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Realtors! Improve your Presentation!

By: Jerika P –  i-Lead Realty Social Media Manager

As a realtor, mastering the art of presentation is key to success. Communicating the advantages of a particular property effectively can help make a sale. Improving presentation skills requires dedication and practice, but various tactics can be employed to ensure you’re delivering stand-out presentations.

1. Be prepared

Nothing is worse than showing up to a presentation without the necessary materials. Have copies of listings printed and ready, along with comprehensive notes and relevant property data.

2. Make sure always to keep things simple

Your audience likely won’t have a deep knowledge of the real estate industry, so keep new terms and concepts easy to comprehend. Utilize visual aids where relevant and limit distractions such as side conversations.

3. Practice is also critical

After finalizing your presentation, take time to practice in front of a mirror and even with a friend. Rehearse out loud, pause to make sure everyone has digested what’s been said, and make sure to exude confidence. Confidence is vital when presenting and will make you appear more knowledgeable.

4. Establishing rapport with your audience is also essential

Take a few extra moments up front to talk to each person personally and wish them a good day. Pay close attention to their verbal and non-verbal language, and adjust your presentation flow accordingly.

5. It’s essential to be honest, objective and thorough when reciting the fact

Different properties have different advantages and characteristics that you will need to communicate. Emphasize the benefits of a particular property over any potential drawbacks.

6. Make sure to close your presentation firmly.

Summarize the main features and advantages of the property, then thank your audience for their time. Leave space for questions, and make sure to set up follow-up meetings during the call if necessary.

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